Supergalactix was designed and written by Betalord, however several people helped in one way or another for this game to come to life.

  • Betalord – game design and programming
  • Lightenix – additional AI programming (Lighty Bot)
  • Raeleus – GUI design
  • Stellardrone – provided music for the game
  • Brandon (and others) –  proofreading

Special thanks to Stellardrone, who is an independant music artist and shares his music for free with the world. Supergalactix uses music from his album “Sublime” with his permission. Check him out: Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Youtube.

Realeus is a libGDX veteran and has designed SGX UI Skin, which is freely available for everyone to use.

Thanks to everyone at #libgdx (freenode) and libGDX Discord for helping me out innumerous times with suggestions and code debugging.

It took quite some effort to bring this simple game to life. Thank you everyone for your contributions!

Have fun playing the game 🙂